
Bronze Winner

Non-Traditional — Guerrilla Marketing

Entrant: Monumenta, Brasília

Chevrolet Cobalt

Description of the Project

Challenge: To launch the new Chevrolet Cobalt, bringing a unique experience with Orca Chevrolet dealer.

Idea: To introduce the Chevrolet Cobalt at the exact moment that people are most thinking about changing their old cars: when they break down. A partnership was established with a tow car company and the Chevrolet Cobalt was taken to people that called asking for the service. They were invited to take a test-drive to their destination and to introduce themselves to the car.

Result: The new Chevrolet Cobalt launch was a success for the client. The demand for the car increased considerably and there were waiting lists at the dealers. In addition, all the consumers that participated took the test-drive in an unexpected moment and started to consider the car for their next purchase.

Production Company: Cadline Produções Production Manager: Rosely Youssef Agency Producer: Gláucia Oliveira Executive Agency Producer: Marcia Stolet Art Directors: Glauber Dorotheu/Paulo Ribas/Cloves Menezes Copywriter: Leo Henrique Creative Directors: Raphael Pontual/Ezio de Castro Agency: Monumenta, Brasília Planner: Fernando Torres Account Manager: Thiago Botafogo Agency Account Director: Bruno Botafogo Client Account Director: Julio Cesar Santos Corporate Name of Client: Orca Chevrolet

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