
Gold Winner


Entrant: VOLONTAIRE, Stockholm

"Curators of Sweden"

Agency: VOLONTAIRE , Stockholm Client Account Directors: Frida Roberts/Maria Ziv Corporate Name of Client: Swedish Institute / VisitSweden
Description of the Project

CHALLENGE: Position Sweden as a progressive country and put the core values (open, authentic, caring, innovative) into action. Develop an idea powerful enough to spread organically and globally.

IDEA: Removing nation branding conventions, Sweden became the first country in the world to let go of an official communication channel and hand it over to its citizens. Ordinary Swedes are @sweden one week at a time. Week by week, tweet by tweet, the image of Sweden is built: dynamic, innovative and deeply human.

RESULTS: The @sweden account has been active for the last three years and by Dec 10th 2011, the start date for “Curators of Sweden” it had 8,000+ followers. Six months later, we had more than 65,000 followers from 120 countries. Real interaction, thousands of conversations with a Klout Score above 77. Starting a new twitter movement, rotation curation and inspiring 41 countries and cities to do the same. Featured in all major media globally for a PR value above $40,000,000.

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