Mission: Most people only associate our brand with just the classics. We needed to tell readers and potential readers that Penguin Books has a lot more to offer.
Idea: Readers traditionally buy books based on the author and subject. However, a large majority buy our books because the covers caught their eye. We needed to reel in the attention of the visual-centric crowd. So we recreated the classic Penguin logo into vibrant, genre-specific icons. Each piece spoke volumes about what Penguin has to offer, using beautifully crafted visuals. The work was applied across a range of mediums, including bookstore shelf separators, in-store and outdoor posters.
Results: The campaign was launched at the recent KL International Book Fair. In an ADD marketplace with dozens of competitive publishers, the work managed to grab attention of relevant audiences with many requests for posters. Results (in terms of sales and perception) are currently being tabulated as the work is still in its early stages.