Grand LIA Winner
Integrated Campaign
Entrant: CP+B, Boulder
American Express
"Small Business Gets an Official Day"
Description of the Project
In 2010, American Express created Small Business Saturday, a huge new shopping day right after Black Friday. But 2011 would be the real test. Would SBS be just a one-off? To help it become an ongoing tradition, in 2011 American Express brought together business owners, consumers, government officials, even big corporations to rally behind a day for small business. AMEX also created tools to help business owners reach more customers and help customers find more small businesses to shop at.
Over 100 million Americans shopped small, and Small Business Saturday cemented its place as a part of the holiday shopping season.
Directors/Cognitive Anthropology:
Kaylin Goldstein/Andrew Teagle
Shaunn D’Alessandro
Matt Hantz
Media Manager:
Leela Ramdeen
Associate Media Director:
Seth Spievogel
Managing Director:
Robert Rakowitz
VP Director, Media:
Wade Rifkin
VP Group Director, Media:
Chris Kindt
Associate Director, Marketing:
Alex Jacobs
VP Director, Marketing:
Roger Box
SVP Marketing:
Mark Kiernan
Art Directors:
Mike Blanch/Laura Potsic/Daniel Burke/Josh Gross/Rochelle Rais/Kim Baskinger/Miao Wang/Kristen Giuliano/Allyson Paisley
Adrian Alexander/Kelly McCormick/Kimberly Samskin-Barger/Adrian Dickerson/Ashley Berndt
Associate Creative Directors:
Jens McNaughton/Jesse Suchmann/Jenny Awasano
Interactive Creative Director:
Dan Ligon
Creative Directors:
Allen Richardson/Lewis McVey/Michael Tagle/Darci Manley/Tom Miller
Executive Creative Director:
Mark Taylor
SVP Creative Director:
Atit Shah
EVP Creative Director:
Matt D’Ercole
Chief Creative Officers:
Lincoln Bjorkman/Jeff Benjamin
Global Chief Creative Officer:
Rob Reilly
CP+B, Boulder/Digitas, NewYork
Corporate Name of Client:
American Express