The Village Voice asked us to prove their position as the real, uncensored voice of New York. And at the same time, re-establish the brand as a go-to source of NY arts and culture.
We began with a simple insight: The most raw, uncensored and entertaining voices that exist in New York, come from people on the street. Introducing ‘New York Writes Itself’ – We began by creating a platform inviting New Yorkers to write down the great things they hear people say on the streets. We then collaborated with NY letterpress artists to re-create 500 of the most popular submissions letter by letter - Each poster captured a New Yorker’s voice as a piece of art.
‘New York Writes Itself’ has been so well received Village Voice has made it a permanent piece of their art and culture content, proving that Village Voice captures the real, uncensored voice of NY. 24 million media impressions, 52 editorial articles outside the Village Voice including The New York Times and CBS. The Art Directors Club exhibition achieved a record attendance. Over 2 million unique visits to An entirely new platform of content was curated by the Village Voice.